Preparations At Dawn

Улыбнись! - Prepare to have your heart melted! Если сидишь хмурый - посмотри и улыбка гарантирована!
Video via TheHumpyObserver
Music: The Time To Run Finale by Dexter Britain
Prepare to have your heart melted.
Because they bring us joy.
Because they are at our mercy.
Because they teach us kindness.
And compassion.
And understanding.
Because they are voiceless.
Because they wish us no harm.
Because they are our companions.
And because we are all animals.
We will never stop being a voice, for them.

Help us create a kinder world for animals:

- Michiel van den Bos Preparations At Dawn

Дата добавления: 2017-11-19

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Улыбнись! - Prepare to have your heart melted!
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