Christopher Stroop. Change Management Master's Program Change Management International Master's Program

Christopher Stroop holds a PhD in history and interdisciplinary studies in the humanities from Stanford University. Stroop’s dissertation, “Providential Empire: Russia’s Religious Intelligentsia and the First World War,” put forth an original interpretive framework for approaching Russian religious philosophy as Christian ideology, by focusing on the inherently political nature of the conception of Providence developed by Russian religious philosophers. In the process, it contributes to our understanding of the relationship between religion and nationalism. He further developed his concept of the “politics of Providentialism” in an article for The Russian Review, in which he also gestured toward a comparative perspective and stressed the importance of bringing religious ideas into modern intellectual history. Stroop continues to write and publish about Russian philosophy and religious thought in war and revolution, while he is also working on situating modern traditionalist Russian Christianity in a broader context. In addition to thinking broadly about how to cross-fertilize the emerging interdisciplinary literature on rethinking secularism with Russian studies, he is currently working on unpacking the influence of early twentieth-century Russian Christian intellectuals on Western religious anti-Communist discourse. - Christophe Héral, Billy Martin ~ Сон люмов RAYMAN ORIGINS

Дата добавления: 2018-01-17

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Christopher Stroop. Change Management Master's Program
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